NFT Wearable Levels
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Players can level up their NFT Wearables when they have completed 7 Fitness Sessions with the same NFT Wearable. Then by burning $FIT they can level up their NFT Level.
Upon each level-up, players will receive additional Attribute Points (according to their NFT Wearable Quality) to distribute among the NFT Wearable Attributes.
In addition, $FZN tokens will be required to level up an NFT Wearable at certain Levels at the Developer's discretion for adjustments from time to time.
On every level, additional features will be unlocked and attribute points are added to the corresponding NFT:
Level 5
Wearable Minting & Reinforcements Double Down
Level 10
Customization, Reinforcements Double Down, Personalization
Level 15
Customization, Reinforcements Double Down
Level 20
Customization, Reinforcements Double Down, Personalization
Level 25
Customization, Reinforcement Double Down, Unlocks $FZN earning
Customization opportunities are unlocked at every 5 Level-ups starting at Level 10 and it is optional. Players can choose from a wide array of customization options, predetermined by the wearables designers, that offer different styling options, colors, and artwork. Each customization option comes with different NFT Wearable Attribute points to be added, available quantities, and rarities. They also cost different amounts of $FIT.
Players will be offered an opportunity to double down and receive extra awarded attribute points when they level up at certain Level touchpoints. $FIT will be required for the double down and the success rate is directly linked to the Luck attribute of the NFT Wearables.
Personalization opportunities are given at certain Level touch points. Players can choose to upload their own artworks (in .png or .jpg) or connect wallet and select an NFT to be used. We will automatically place the artwork on pre-defined areas on the NFT Wearable. Note that you will not be able to resize the artwork.